Kathryn Bigelow
Just before the wave

This American film heroine’s graphic novel is about a woman who embraces a career as a filmmaker, which has always been dominated by men, thanks to her extraordinary talent that saw her start out as a painter and bring her to New York from San Francisco after winning a prestigious graduate program.

A woman far removed from the divine style and always very private, she leaks little about her life and collaboration with the great James Cameron, whom she married in 1989 and left after only two years. In “Point Break” (1991): an inescapable cult film of the 1990s, she then reveals all her qualities with James Cameron, who even serves here as executive producer.
With a remarkable visual talent and the ability to build a fast pace, the auteur manages to leave an indelible mark on the genre by combining the logic of the made-in-the-USA detective story with an almost ancestral challenge story between two men, between order and chaos, between man and nature.
His best films then continue to tell the story of America in vivid tones most of the time, always with great tension as in “Detroit” (2017) where he manages to dissect the historical and cultural roots of racial violence in the events of 1967 using the film as an increasingly political tool to denounce the cultural and social oppression on the African American community.

Over 40 years of career and at least 10 memorable films where recurrent we find the theme of rebellion and that of violence, two sides of the same coin, both transcending from the private sphere to become a snapshot of a society, and an inevitable hallmark of humanity.

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Kathryn Bigelow – Just before the wave

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