Digital and Visual Learning Method 1.0 (DVL Method 1.0) is an innovative system that enhances the use of visual and digital tools, which in turn are of crucial support for teaching. This method modifies the normal definition of the ‘teacher-student’ roles through practices for the appropriation of learning tools that become visual and digital and that include activities such as discussion, metacognitive reflection as well as the development of the student’s predictive strategies. Inspired by the ESL Teaching – Episodes of Situated Learning – Global Thinking Foundation has created a new prototype of teaching methodology.

The final goal of the DVL Method 1.0 is to ‘build skills’ through a personalized and inclusive educational approach, responding to the needs of all, creating a direct contact with reality so as to establish a link between the acquired skills and the outside world and where students are thus free to develop, with creativity, the visual stimuli provided through digital channels.

The scope of the project, made available free of charge to schools, is to inform and raise awareness, especially among the new generations, on the issues of economic violence against women who often suffer in the indifference and ignorance of civil society. To this end, the use of figurative literature, including comics and illustrations, enables the telling of stories of prevarication, which hopefully leads to a greater sense of awareness amongst the young upon problems that constitute not only a vulnus towards women, but also an overall delay in the economy of a country.


Free to…LIVE becomes textbook for schools

Click the cover and find out more!

Libere di…VIVERE diventa una raccolta di novelle grafiche

Clicca la copertina e scopri di più!


didattica EAS

Digital and Visual Learning
Method 1.0

The method is composed by three activities:

- Heroines in Comics: Female Emancipation
- An exhibition for…
- 'Le Tabacchine del Salento' and 'The Rule of Emptiness'
ask for materials

Digital course with Anonima Comics

Students' vision of the future
thanks to our DVL Method 1.0!



DVL Method 1.0 is a new mode of learning based on visual and digital tools which Global Thinking Foundation uses to inform new generations and raise awareness on Economic abuse, social inclusion and gender equality between men and women.

If you are a teacher, an educator or an association and you wish to consult (free of charge) the materials of the DVL Method 1.0, fill out the form and we’ll send you an email!


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Con il patrocinio 2025 di:

Patrocinio 2025